Powerful & convenient ordering for patients, staff, and guests.

FanFood Mobile Ordering Menu

Deliver a better experience and boost revenue with digital ordering built for hospitals.

fanfood mobile ordering

Contactless order & pay

Offer pre-order, pickup, or delivery from any outlet at your facilities.

Order from your hospital app,
custom QR codes, or links provided to guests.

Save time and eliminate long peak wait times by throttling orders & setting customer expectations.

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A simpler back-of-house

An easy-to-use standalone system for kitchen and service staff.

Optional runner application to fulfill delivery orders, communicate with customer and track tips.

Use any existing tablet or computer to get started, or we can provide a hardware kit.

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fanfood manager portal

Menu and Dietary Management

At the core of your operations is patient care and menu management.

Ordering, recipe management, vendor relationships are all key components of your operations.

Integrations to your key systems so they can all talk together.

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fanfood catering portal

Accept cash and cashless ordering in your cafeteria, cafe, coffee shop, and retail outlets.

Our powerful and convenient point of sale platform speeds up transactions, provides real time reporting of inventory and sales, and integrates seamlessly to our mobile ordering and menu management system.

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A better experience for everyone

boost revenue

Boost your revenue

Drive sales growth with average order values that are up to 25% larger than walk-up orders.

customer satisfaction

Delight your guests and staff.

Hospitals are stressful enough. Let us help you make the food part easier.

better operations

Improve operations

Achieve faster service times, greater order accuracy, and an optimized approach to staffing.

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Boost your revenue

Drive sales growth with average order values that are up to 25% larger than walk-up orders.

Delight your guests

Waiting in line for food is no more. Provide quicker and easier services for your customers.

Improve your operations

Achieve faster service times, greater order accuracy, and an optimized approach to staffing.

boost revenue

Boost your revenue

Drive sales growth with average order values that are up to 25% larger than walk-up orders.

customer satisfaction

Delight your guests

Waiting in line for food is no more. Provide quicker and easier services for your customers.

better operations

Improve your operations

Achieve faster service times, greater order accuracy, and an optimized approach to staffing.

HomePoint of SaleWeb OrderingMenu & Dietary ManagementHardwareManagement Tools